Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday DU/SL warm-up + UB Push/Pull + Threshold
5 x 10 Unbroken Double Unders, rest as needed **take as few sets as needed to get 5 x 1
6 to get 5 unbroken
Single Leg PVC Good Mornings, 3 x 10/leg
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 10/side
Bird Dog @ 11X5, 1 x 10/side
A1. DB RFE Split Squat @ 20X1, 3 x 12/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs #25 db's
A2. SA DB Bench Press, 3 x 10/arm, rest 15 sec b/w arms, + 90 sec #45
B1. Single Leg Glute Bridge @ 33X1, 5 x 10 reps, rest 30 sec
B2. Strict Ring Pull Ups @ 30X2, 5 x 3-5 reps, rest 90 sec
C. Side Plank, 4 x 30 sec/side, rest as needed

Tuesday- Movement + Squatting + Core + Cyclical + EMOM skill
Ido Portal Locomotion Warm Up 5 min-
Run 800m, rest 2 min x 2
Rest 3 min
Row 1000m, rest 2 min x 2
Rest 3 min
3 rounds not for time:
15 Back Extensions
35 sec Hollow Rock

Wednesday- UB Push/Pull + Belt Squat + UB skills + Cyclical Threshold
A1. Split Stance Single Arm DB Press @ 30X3, 4 x 8/arm, rest 30 sec b/w sides **whatever arm you’re pressing with, that leg is back.  Focus on keeping tight core
A2. False Grip Pull-Ups holding LAX Balls, 4 x 4-6, rest 90 sec
B. Belt Squat @ 4040, 3 x 10, rest 90 sec
Xebex Bike
20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min x 2
4 min Bike @ 85%, rest 4 min- accumulate 10 Double Unders during rest
X 3


Single Leg PVC Good Mornings, 3 x 10/leg
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 10/side
Bird Dog @ 11X5, 1 x 10/side
A1. DB Step Ups, 3 x 12/leg, rest 30 sec b/w legs
A2. Seated DB Z-Press @ 20X2, 3 x 10-12 reps, rest 90 sec
B1. Hamstring Curls on Swiss Ball, 3 x 10-12 reps, rest 30 sec
B2. Ring Rows w/ feet Elevated @ 20X2, 3 x 6-8 reps, rest 90 sec
2 rounds for time:
15 Double Unders
15 Wallball, 20#
15 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar
15 Double Unders
15 HR Push Ups

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday DU/SL warm-up + UB Push/Pull + Threshold
5 x 10 Unbroken Double Unders, rest as needed **take as few sets as needed to get 5 x 10
Single Leg PVC Good Mornings, 3 x 10/leg
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 10/side
Bird Dog @ 11X5, 1 x 10/side
Deadlift prep
A1. Single Arm DB Bench Press on Swiss Ball @ 20X2, 4 x 8-10, rest 20 sec b/w arms
A2. Archer Ring Row, 4 x 10 alternating, rest 60 sec **keep elbow locked on our straight arm throughout movement

Tuesday- Movement + Squatting + Core + Cyclical + EMOM skill
Ido Portal Locomotion Warm Up 5 min-
A. Counterweight Shrimp Squat @ 31X1, 3 x 4-5/leg, rest as needed
B. Back Squat @ 30X1, 4 x 3, rest 2 min **moderate to heavy
C1. Single Leg Quarter Squat Pallof Press @ 3030, 3 x 12/side, rest as needed **barefoot
C2. Hollow Rock, 3 x 35 sec, rest as needed
Run 800m, rest 2 min x 2
Rest 3 min
14 min EMOM
1st- 7 Ring Dips + 7 Thrusters, 75# **use 15# bar + 25’s and 5’s
2nd- 10 Box Jumps, 24” step down

Wednesday- UB Push/Pull + Belt Squat + UB skills + Cyclical Threshold
A1. Split Stance Single Arm DB Press @ 30X3, 4 x 8/arm, rest 30 sec b/w sides **whatever arm you’re pressing with, that leg is back.  Focus on keeping tight core
A2. False Grip Pull-Ups holding LAX Balls, 4 x 4-6, rest 90 sec
B. Belt Squat @ 4040, 3 x 10, rest 90 sec
Xebex Bike
20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min x 2
4 min Bike @ 85%, rest 4 min- accumulate 10 Double Unders during rest
X 3


Open WOD 16.5

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday DU/SL warm-up + UB Push/Pull + Threshold
5 x 10 Unbroken Double Unders, rest as needed **take as few sets as needed to get 5 x 10
Single Leg PVC Good Mornings, 3 x 10/leg
A1. Single Arm DB Bench Press on Swiss Ball @ 20X2, 4 x 8-10, rest 20 sec b/w arms
A2. Archer Ring Row, 4 x 10 alternating, rest 60 sec **keep elbow locked on our straight arm throughout movement
3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:04/500m:maintained pace pretty good. Did drop off on 3rd set
10 Wallball, 20#
7 Burpees
Rest 60 sec b/w sets

Tuesday- Movement + Squatting + Core + Cyclical + EMOM skill
Ido Portal Locomotion Warm Up 5 min-
A. Counterweight Shrimp Squat @ 31X1, 2 x 4-5/leg, rest as needed
B. Back Squat @ 30X1, 4 x 4, rest 2 min **moderate to heavy: 155, 185, 215( very tuff)
C1. Single Leg Quarter Squat Pallof Press @ 3030, 3 x 12/side, rest as needed **barefoot
C2. Hollow Rock, 3 x 35 sec, rest as needed
Run 800m, rest 2 min x 2
Rest 3 min
14 min EMOM
1st- 5 Ring Dips + 6 Burpees
2nd- 7 Toes to Bar + 15 Double Unders

Wednesday- UB Push/Pull + Belt Squat + UB skills + Cyclical Threshold
A1. Split Stance Single Arm DB Press @ 30X3, 4 x 10/arm, rest 30 sec b/w sides **whatever arm you’re pressing with, that leg is back.  Focus on keeping tight core
A2. False Grip Pull-Ups holding LAX Balls, 4 x 4-6, rest 90 sec: painful but got much better with it
B. Belt Squat @ 4040, 3 x 10, rest 90 sec
5 min kipping HSPU practice: Able to hit 3 in a row twice
Xebex Bike
20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min x 2
4 min Bike @ 85%, rest 4 min
X 3


Open WOD 16.4

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday DU/SL warm-up + UB Push/Pull + Threshold
5 x 10 Unbroken Toes to Bar, rest as needed **take as few sets as needed to get 5 x 10
Single Leg PVC Good Mornings, 3 x 10/leg
A1. Single Arm DB Bench Press on Swiss Ball @ 20X2, 4 x 8-10, rest 20 sec b/w arms: #35
A2. Archer Ring Row, 4 x 10 alternating, rest 60 sec **keep elbow locked on our straight arm throughout movement
3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:00/500m: Unable to keep 2:00 pace/ dropped off to 2:05-2:09 on last set
15 Wallball, 20#
Rest 60 sec b/w sets

Tuesday- Movement + Squatting + Core + Cyclical + EMOM skill
Ido Portal Locomotion Warm Up 5 min-
A. Counterweight Shrimp Squat @ 31X1, 2 x 4-5/leg, rest as needed
B. Back Squat @ 30X1, 3 x 5, rest 2 min **moderate to heavy
C1. Single Leg Quarter Squat Pallof Press @ 3030, 3 x 10/side, rest as needed **barefoot
C2. Hollow Rock, 3 x 30 sec, rest as needed
Run 800m, rest 2 min x 2
Rest 3 min
14 min EMOM
1st- 5 Ring Dips + 5 Burpees
2nd- 7 Toes to Bar + 7 Box Jumps, 20” step down

Wednesday- UB Push/Pull + Belt Squat + UB skills + Cyclical Threshold
A1. Split Stance Single Arm DB Press @ 30X3, 3 x 10/arm, rest 30 sec b/w sides **whatever arm you’re pressing with, that leg is back.  Focus on keeping tight core
A2. False Grip Pull-Ups holding LAX Balls, 3 x 4-6, rest 90 sec
B. Belt Squat @ 4040, 3 x 10, rest 90 sec
5 min kipping HSPU practice
Xebex Bike
20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min
4 min Bike @ 85%, rest 4 min
X 3


Open WOD 16.3