Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday: UB Push/UB Pull + Gym Tech/Core + Cyclical
Warm Up:
10 sets of 10 Unbroken Double Unders (only do 10 sets) 7/10
10/leg Single Leg Heel Touches while standing on box
A. Bench Press: 4 reps EMOM x 7 (all sets w/ 155#)
B. Barbell Complex: 4 sets x 10 reps each, Rest as needed
*each complex consist of Front Raise, Upright Row, Behind the Neck Press
Practice 10 min on:
Kipping Ring Dips
Kipping HSPU
5 min AMRAP x 3
Row 250m @ 1:52 pace/ Couldnt keep 1:52 pace throughout, Fell back to 2:00
5 Burpees over Erg, AFAP
6 Unbroken Toes to Bar
rest 2 min b/w sets
Tuesday: SQ/Core + SL + Cyc/Plyos
Warm Up:
Ido Portal Locomotion 50' each: Kick to HS, Duck Walk, Lizard Walk. And Ostrich Walk
A1. Back Squats: 4 x 7, R :30 (all sets w/ 135#; should stay quick and snappy, technique flawless)
A2. Front Plank: 4 x :45 sec, R 1:30
B1. Single Leg Paloff Press: 3 x 12/side @3030, R :30 *Blue band
B2. GH Hollow Holds: 3 x :20 sec, R :30
20 min EMOM
1st - 7 Box Jumps, 20"
2nd - 5 Power Clean to Overhead, 115#
3rd - 20 Double Unders
4th - 12 Wall Balls, 20# to 9' target
Wednesday: UB Push/UB Pull + SM + Gym
Warm Up:
Banded Shoulder Stretch (2 min/arm)
Lacrosse Ball to Front Delt and Scaps (2 min/side)
Full ROM Arm Circle Rotations against wall (10 reps/side) *ask mike to show how to do this
10 min of Muscle Up and HSPU Practice
Work the drills, the kips, and then bar muscle ups, ring muscle ups, and hspu (open standards)
A1. Standing Shoulder Press: 4 x 6 @30X3, R :30 sec
A2. Hinge Rows: 4 x 8 @20X2, R 1:30
B1. Seated DB Bicep Curls: 3 x 12/arm, R :45 sec *go heavy
B2. Seated DB OH Tricep Ext: 3 x 10, R :45 sec
4 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 500m
40 Double Unders
Run 400m
Rest 2 min b/w sets
Friday: Open
CrossFit Open 16.2

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday: UB Push/UB Pull + Gym Tech/Core + Cyclical
Warm Up:
10 sets of 7 Unbroken Double Unders (only do 10 sets, I want to know how many out of 10 you get ub; example 7 out of 10) 8/10
10/leg Single Leg Heel Touches while standing on box
A1. Bench Press: 1 x 8, 2 x 6, 2 x 4, 1 x 8, Rest :30 sec (145,155,155,170,170,145#)
A2. Inverted Bar Rows: 6 x 5 @20X2, R 2:00
B1. DB Front Raise: 3 x 8, R :30 sec (20#)
B2. DB Lateral Raise: 3 x 8, R :30 sec (20#)
B3. DB Tricep Kickbacks: 3 x 8, R 1:30 (25#)
Practice 10 min on:
Kipping Ring Dips
Kipping HSPU
Row Intervals
5 x 500m @ 1:55 pace for all sets w/ 1:30 rest b/w sets, *record time for each set 1:59, 1:58, 1:58, 1:57, 2:00

Tuesday: SQ/Core + SL + Cyc/Plyos
Warm Up:
Ido Portal Locomotion 50' each: Kick to HS, Duck Walk, Lizard Walk. And Ostrich Walk
A1. DB Reverse Lunge w/ Knee Drive: 4 x 6/leg alternating, R :45 *heavier than last wek #45
A2. Opp Hand Opp Foot High Plank: 4 x 5/side @11X5, R 1:30
B1. Single Leg Paloff Press: 3 x 12/side @3030, R :30 *Blue band
B2. GH Hollow Holds: 3 x :20 sec, R :30
3 sets @ High Effort (record times for each set)
Bike 10 cal 1:56. 1:14, 1:11
50' Front Rack Yoke Carry, 120# on sled
Rest 2 min
3 sets @ High Effort (record times for each set)
Row 250m 1:45, 1:30, 1:50
50' Front Rack Yoke Carry, 120# on sled
Rest 2 min

Wednesday: UB Push/UB Pull + SM + Gym
Warm Up:
Banded Shoulder Stretch (2 min/arm)
Lacrosse Ball to Front Delt and Scaps (2 min/side)
Full ROM Arm Circle Rotations against wall (10 reps/side) *ask mike to show how to do this
A1. Standing Shoulder Press: 4 x 8 @30X3, R :30 sec : 135  #
A2. Hinge Rows: 4 x 8 @20X2, R 1:30
B1. Seated DB Bicep Curls: 3 x 12/arm, R :45 sec *go heavy #25
B2. Seated DB OH Tricep Ext: 3 x 10, R :45 sec #25
C1. 3 position Sledge Hammer to Tire: 3 x 10 each, R :30 *regular, downward, sideway 1/2 swings (downward you stand on tire and hit b/w legs, sideway like baseball swings but it should be short chops not big rotational swings)
C2. Atlas Stone Chest Carry: 3 x 100', R :30 *hold stone in middle of chest w/ arms wrapped around it #93
C3. Farmer's Carry: 3 x 200m, R 1:30 *use kb's you choose weight and this should be try to be done unbroken 1@#53, last two @ #35
10 min of Muscle Up Practice
Work the drills, the kips, and then you can attempt a few bar muscle ups and ring muscle ups

Friday: Open
CrossFit Open 16.1
*I will evaluate the workout Thursday Night and let you know how I want you to warm up and get ready for the wod. If it is a workout that I think is too short or not enough for the day I may include more to the day if needed.

Saturday: Post Open Recovery
I will also tell you what to do this day once I know the movements performed on Friday. This will be a recovery day, NOT Rest Day
*recovery for the open is key and I know you want to do well in your age group.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Monday: UB Push/UB Pull + Gym Tech/Core + Cyclical
Warm Up:
10 sets of 7 Unbroken Double Unders (only do 10 sets, I want to know how many out of 10 you get ub; example 7 out of 10) 7/10
10/leg Single Leg Toe Touches (barefoot) (bend from knee and hips; don’t just reach down; Keep balance; Use yoga block if cant touch ground)
A1. Bench Press: 1 x 10, 3 x 6, 1 x 10 @22X1, Rest :30 sec (135,155,155,155,135#) 6; 7; 7; 8; 6
A2. Pull Up Cluster: 4 x Max Reps Unbroken, R 2:00 17; 16; 17; 17
B1. DB Front Raise: 3 x 10, R :30 sec (15-20#) #20
B2. DB Lateral Raise: 3 x 10, R :30 sec (15-20#) #15
B3. DB Tricep Kickbacks: 3 x 10, R 1:30 (25#) #25, #20
3 sets for perfection: Rest as needed
6-8 Ring Towel Kips w/ perfect hollow position
:20 Hollow Holds
Row Intervals
5 x 400m @ 2:00 pace for all sets w/ 1:30 rest b/w sets, *record time for each set 1:38; 1:36; 1:36; 1:37; 1:34
Tuesday: SQ/Core + SL + Cyc/Plyos
Warm Up:
Ido Portal Locomotion 50′ each: Kick to HS, Duck Walk, Lizard Walk. And Ostrich Walk
A1. DB Reverse Lunge w/ Knee Drive: 4 x 7/leg alternating, R :45 *step back and as you step forward drive knee up w/ toes up also. Should be all one motion
A2. Opp Hand Opp Foot High Plank: 4 x 5/side @11X5, R 1:30
B1. Good Mornings w/ PVC: 3 x 20, R :45 Tightness in back
B2. Sorenson Holds: 3 x :25 sec, R 1:30
2 sets @ High Effort (record times for each set)
Bike 10 cal 
50′ Front Rack Yoke Carry, 100# on sled
Rest 2 min
2 sets @ High Effort (record times for each set)
Row 250m
50′ Front Rack Yoke Carry, 100# on sled
Rest 2 min
Wednesday: UB Push/UB Pull + SM + Gym
Warm Up:
Banded Shoulder Stretch (2 min/arm)
Lacrosse Ball to Front Delt and Scaps (2 min/side)
A1. Standing Shoulder Press: 4 x 8-10 @30X3, R :30 sec *build each set and go heavy w/o technique breaking down. No hyperextension of back. Keep core under rips.#125
A2. Inverted Bar Rows: 4 x 8 @20X2, R 1:30
B1. Seated DB Bicep Curls: 3 x 12/arm, R :45 sec *go heavy #25
B2. Seated DB OH Tricep Ext: 3 x 10, R :45 sec #25
C1. Sledge Hammer to Tire: 3 x :45 sec, R :30
C2. Atlas Stone to Shoulder & Carry: 3 x 100′, R :30 *try to move up one stone size: #125
C3. Farmer’s Carry: 3 x 100′, R 1:00 *use farmer’s bars by bikes (heavy each hand) 70 each arm
10 min of Muscle Up Practice
Work the drills, the kips, and then you can attempt a few bar muscle ups and ring muscle ups
Friday: BSQ + Glute/Core + Core/Cyc + Gym
Warm Up:
10 sets of 7 Unbroken Double Unders 7/10
*after all 10 sets, do 50 Double Unders For Time: :49
A. Safety Bar Squats: 4 x 4-6 @25X1, R 2:00 *stay true to the tempo, even if weight doesn’t go up as much as you think you should #175
B1. Single Leg Glute Raises w/ Reach over Opposite Shoulder: 3 x 10/side, R :30
B2. Hollow Holds: 3 x :20 sec, R 1:30
20 min EMOM
1st – 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 20″
2nd – Row :30 sec ALL OUT
3rd – OFF
4th – 10 Toes To Bar
5th – Run to Fence and Back
Saturday: Cyc + Plyos + UB Push/UB Pull + SM + Core
Xebex Bike
Bike 4 minutes @ 23-25 mph
Rest :45 sec
x 4
A. Depth Broad Jumps: 5 sets *stand on 20″ box, step off and as soon as you land broad jump out as far as possible
B1. Legless Rope Climb: 4 x 1 (go as high as possible, use feet on way down), R :20
B2. Kipping HSPU: 4 x 3-5, R 1:30
C. Sled Push Sprints: 4 x :10 sec ALL OUT, Rest :50 sec
D. GH Hollow Holds: 3 sets x :20 sec, R 1:30
15-20 min of Stretching and Mobility