Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday: UB Push/UB Pull + Gym Tech/Core + Cyclical
Warm Up:
10 sets of 7 Unbroken Double Unders (only do 10 sets, I want to know how many out of 10 you get ub; example 7 out of 10) 8/10
10/leg Single Leg Heel Touches while standing on box
A1. Bench Press: 1 x 8, 2 x 6, 2 x 4, 1 x 8, Rest :30 sec (145,155,155,170,170,145#)
A2. Inverted Bar Rows: 6 x 5 @20X2, R 2:00
B1. DB Front Raise: 3 x 8, R :30 sec (20#)
B2. DB Lateral Raise: 3 x 8, R :30 sec (20#)
B3. DB Tricep Kickbacks: 3 x 8, R 1:30 (25#)
Practice 10 min on:
Kipping Ring Dips
Kipping HSPU
Row Intervals
5 x 500m @ 1:55 pace for all sets w/ 1:30 rest b/w sets, *record time for each set 1:59, 1:58, 1:58, 1:57, 2:00

Tuesday: SQ/Core + SL + Cyc/Plyos
Warm Up:
Ido Portal Locomotion 50' each: Kick to HS, Duck Walk, Lizard Walk. And Ostrich Walk
A1. DB Reverse Lunge w/ Knee Drive: 4 x 6/leg alternating, R :45 *heavier than last wek #45
A2. Opp Hand Opp Foot High Plank: 4 x 5/side @11X5, R 1:30
B1. Single Leg Paloff Press: 3 x 12/side @3030, R :30 *Blue band
B2. GH Hollow Holds: 3 x :20 sec, R :30
3 sets @ High Effort (record times for each set)
Bike 10 cal 1:56. 1:14, 1:11
50' Front Rack Yoke Carry, 120# on sled
Rest 2 min
3 sets @ High Effort (record times for each set)
Row 250m 1:45, 1:30, 1:50
50' Front Rack Yoke Carry, 120# on sled
Rest 2 min

Wednesday: UB Push/UB Pull + SM + Gym
Warm Up:
Banded Shoulder Stretch (2 min/arm)
Lacrosse Ball to Front Delt and Scaps (2 min/side)
Full ROM Arm Circle Rotations against wall (10 reps/side) *ask mike to show how to do this
A1. Standing Shoulder Press: 4 x 8 @30X3, R :30 sec : 135  #
A2. Hinge Rows: 4 x 8 @20X2, R 1:30
B1. Seated DB Bicep Curls: 3 x 12/arm, R :45 sec *go heavy #25
B2. Seated DB OH Tricep Ext: 3 x 10, R :45 sec #25
C1. 3 position Sledge Hammer to Tire: 3 x 10 each, R :30 *regular, downward, sideway 1/2 swings (downward you stand on tire and hit b/w legs, sideway like baseball swings but it should be short chops not big rotational swings)
C2. Atlas Stone Chest Carry: 3 x 100', R :30 *hold stone in middle of chest w/ arms wrapped around it #93
C3. Farmer's Carry: 3 x 200m, R 1:30 *use kb's you choose weight and this should be try to be done unbroken 1@#53, last two @ #35
10 min of Muscle Up Practice
Work the drills, the kips, and then you can attempt a few bar muscle ups and ring muscle ups

Friday: Open
CrossFit Open 16.1
*I will evaluate the workout Thursday Night and let you know how I want you to warm up and get ready for the wod. If it is a workout that I think is too short or not enough for the day I may include more to the day if needed.

Saturday: Post Open Recovery
I will also tell you what to do this day once I know the movements performed on Friday. This will be a recovery day, NOT Rest Day
*recovery for the open is key and I know you want to do well in your age group.

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