Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday: UB Push/UB Pull + Gym Tech/Core + Cyclical
Warm Up:
10 sets of 10 Unbroken Double Unders (only do 10 sets) 7/10
10/leg Single Leg Heel Touches while standing on box
A. Bench Press: 4 reps EMOM x 7 (all sets w/ 155#)
B. Barbell Complex: 4 sets x 10 reps each, Rest as needed
*each complex consist of Front Raise, Upright Row, Behind the Neck Press
Practice 10 min on:
Kipping Ring Dips
Kipping HSPU
5 min AMRAP x 3
Row 250m @ 1:52 pace/ Couldnt keep 1:52 pace throughout, Fell back to 2:00
5 Burpees over Erg, AFAP
6 Unbroken Toes to Bar
rest 2 min b/w sets
Tuesday: SQ/Core + SL + Cyc/Plyos
Warm Up:
Ido Portal Locomotion 50' each: Kick to HS, Duck Walk, Lizard Walk. And Ostrich Walk
A1. Back Squats: 4 x 7, R :30 (all sets w/ 135#; should stay quick and snappy, technique flawless)
A2. Front Plank: 4 x :45 sec, R 1:30
B1. Single Leg Paloff Press: 3 x 12/side @3030, R :30 *Blue band
B2. GH Hollow Holds: 3 x :20 sec, R :30
20 min EMOM
1st - 7 Box Jumps, 20"
2nd - 5 Power Clean to Overhead, 115#
3rd - 20 Double Unders
4th - 12 Wall Balls, 20# to 9' target
Wednesday: UB Push/UB Pull + SM + Gym
Warm Up:
Banded Shoulder Stretch (2 min/arm)
Lacrosse Ball to Front Delt and Scaps (2 min/side)
Full ROM Arm Circle Rotations against wall (10 reps/side) *ask mike to show how to do this
10 min of Muscle Up and HSPU Practice
Work the drills, the kips, and then bar muscle ups, ring muscle ups, and hspu (open standards)
A1. Standing Shoulder Press: 4 x 6 @30X3, R :30 sec
A2. Hinge Rows: 4 x 8 @20X2, R 1:30
B1. Seated DB Bicep Curls: 3 x 12/arm, R :45 sec *go heavy
B2. Seated DB OH Tricep Ext: 3 x 10, R :45 sec
4 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 500m
40 Double Unders
Run 400m
Rest 2 min b/w sets
Friday: Open
CrossFit Open 16.2

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