Monday, May 23, 2016

15# Good Mornings, 50 reps
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 10/side
Bird Dog @ 1113, 1 x 10/side ***both knees off the ground
A. Sumo Deadlift, 4 x 10, rest 2 min/////#165
B1. Front Rack Step Ups @ 3011, 4 x 8/leg, rest 30sec b/w legs////#75
B2. American Hip Thrust @ 3013,  4 x 10 reps, rest 30 sec **focus on keeping core tight and hips tucked under/////95
C1. Back Extensions @ 20X2, 3 x 15, rest 60 sec
C2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 3 x 50’, rest 60 sec *heavier/////#70(should've gone heavier)
E. Jefferson Curl @ 3030, 3 x 5 w/ 10#

A1. Strict HSPU’s, 4 x 1.1.1, rest 10 sec + 30 sec//// got tuff in 3&4, had a few no reps
A2. L-Sit Strict Ring Pull Ups, 4 x 3-5, rest 60 sec
B. Single Arm DB Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x 6, rest 30 sec b/w arms////#55
3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:10/500m
17 Wall-ball/////All three unbroken. Good thing since back was a little tender from yesterday. I think in the past it would have spasmed
Rest 60 sec

3 sets
Bike 3 min @ consistent pace
Rest 30 sec
Bike 30 sec @ max effort
Rest 3 min
20 min Skill Work
HS Practice
Pistol Practice/////5 per leg- right fairly easy/ left a little struggle
Muscle Up Practice//////better- getting hips high enough- struggling with transition- 3 bars
Rope Climbs//////4 with legs
Snatch practice///// 6 reps-.fairly light- 115#

90/90 Hip Warm up
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 15/side
Bird Dog @ 11X5, 1 x 15/side
A. Front Rack RFE Split Squat @ deficit @ 20X0, 5 x 8/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs
B. Double KB Front Rack Carry, 3 x 100’ unbroken, rest 90 sec
C1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, 3 x 5-10, rest 30 sec
C2. Banded X-Walks, 3 x 12 steps each direction, rest 90 sec
D. Sled Walk- 400m, 35# on sled

A1. Incline Bench Press @ 20X2, 4 x 5-7, rest 30 sec
A2. Strict CTB Pull Ups, 4 x 5-7, rest 90 sec
7 min AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
3 min rest
7 min AMRAP
5 CTB Pull Ups
7 Ring Dips
9 Goblet Squats, 35#

Monday, May 16, 2016

15# Good Mornings, 50 reps
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 10/side
Bird Dog @ 11X5, 1 x 10/side
A. Sumo Deadlift, 4 x 10, rest 2 min/////. #135
B1. Front Rack Step Ups @ 3011, 4 x 10/leg, rest 30sec b/w legs//// Used Body weight, tight back
B2. American Hip Thrust @ 3013,  4 x 10 reps, rest 30 sec **focus on keeping core tight and hips tucked under
C1. Back Extensions @ 20X2, 3 x 15, rest 60 sec
C2. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 3 x 100’, rest 60 sec *heavy////#65
E. Jefferson Curl @ 3030, 3 x 5 w/ 10#

A1. Strict HSPU’s, 4 x 1.1.1, rest 10 sec + 30 sec
A2. L-Sit Strict Ring Pull Ups, 4 x 4-6, rest 60 sec
B. Single Arm DB Push Press @ 30X3, 3 x 8, rest 30 sec
3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:11/500m
15 Wallball
Rest 60 sec

3 sets
Bike 3 min @ consistent pace
Rest 30 sec
Bike 30 sec @ max effort
Rest 3 min
20 min Skill Work
HS Practice////// head stands--wall hand stands
Pistol Practice/////. 4 per leg
Muscle Up Practice////// Attempted Ring Muscle ups----need coaching--did bar mu's x 4
Rope Climbs////. X4

90/90 Hip Warm up
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 15/side
Bird Dog @ 11X5, 1 x 15/side
A. Front Rack RFE Split Squat @ deficit @ 20X0, 5 x 10/leg, rest 60 sec b/w legs
B. Double KB Front Rack Carry, 3 x 150’ unbroken, rest 90 sec
C1. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, 3 x 5-10, rest 30 sec
C2. Banded X-Walks, 3 x 10 steps each direction, rest 90 sec
D. Sled Walk- 400m, 25# on sled

A1. Incline Bench Press @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8, rest 30 sec
A2. Strict CTB Pull Ups, 4 x 6-8, rest 90 sec
7 min AMRAP
7 Pull Ups
14 Wallball, 20#
3 min rest
7 min AMRAP
7 Toes to Bar
21 Double Unders
7 Burpees

Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 9
Monday DU/SL warm-up + UB Push/Pull + Threshold
Single Leg 15# Bar Good Mornings, 2 x 12/leg
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 10/side
Bird Dog @ 11X5, 1 x 10/side
A. Double Overhead Deadlift @ 51X1, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2 min **note how back feels on these////Back felt ok! Still pretty tight from the weekend.
B. Front Rack RFE Split Squat @ 3011, build to 5RM/leg////back tightness on these
C. Strict Press, build to 1RM///// #170
D1. American Hip Thrust @ 3030, 5 x 10 reps, rest 30 sec **focus on keeping core tight and hips tucked under//// #95
D2. False Grip Strict Ring Pull Ups @ 30X2, 5 x 3 reps, rest 30 sec **add weight if possible///// added #10
D3. Seated Assisted Ring Muscle Ups, 5 x 3, rest 60 sec

Tuesday- Movement + Squatting + Core + Cyclical + EMOM skill
Ido Portal Locomotion Warm Up 5 min-
3 x Row 10 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min **record max pace achieved
Rest as needed////// 1:25
30 min Row TT
**record total distance, avg pace/500m, HR if available//// 6822K---2:11/500K
3 sets- 15 Back Extensions @ 20X2, rest as needed
3 rounds not for time:
5 Jefferson Curls, 5# weight-
45 sec Hollow Rock

Wednesday- UB Push/Pull + Belt Squat + UB skills + Cyclical Threshold
A. Single Arm DB Press w/ 40% of 1RM Press from monday- 1 x max reps each arm///#65x4 each arm
B1. Ring Dips, 4 x max unbroken, rest 60 sec//// 14; 10; 6; 4
A2. Strict Pull-Ups, 4 x max unbroken, rest 90 sec/// 12; 8; 6; 7
B. Belt Squat @ 3030, 5 x 10, rest 90 sec **tempo is 3 sec down and 3 sec up, no pause in bottom///#65
Xebex Bike
20 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min x 2
4 min Bike @ same Wattage as last week, rest 2 min
X 3


Single Leg PVC Good Mornings, 3 x 10/leg
Deadbug @ 15X1, 1 x 15/side
Bird Dog @ 11X5, 1 x 15/side
A. Front Squat @ 13X1, build to 1RM
B. Weighted Pull Up, build to 1RM **chin fully over bar
10 min AMRAP **didn’t see you do this, if you did it, let me know and I’ll change it
30 Burpee Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
30 Pull-Ups
30 Air Squats